O nama

Stomatološki – specijalistički centar „Kostadinović“ predstavlja savremeno opremljen stomatološki centar koji nudi sve usluge iz oblasti stomatologije na jednom mjestu.


Jovana Dučića 26, Banja Luka

+387 51 963 200

[email protected]

General dentistry

Teeth are the basis of general health and play an important role in the functioning of the human body and overall health. Dental phobia, i.e. the fear of the dentist and the very thought of fixing teeth, fillings or tooth extraction, can now be overcome.

At the first visit to the office, our dentist will perform a detailed examination of the mouth, teeth and gums. They will discuss your dental and overall health with you. If the presence of caries is detected during the examination, you will also discuss the possible forms of treatment and treatment of the affected tooth.

Regular dental checkups help maintain good oral health and prevent the development of disease. Regular examinations, diagnostic scans and professional teeth cleaning are the foundation of prevention and maintenance of good oral health.

At the specialist dental center Kostadinović, you will receive detailed instructions for improving oral hygiene, and we can also recommend preventive treatments.

The professional team in our dental practice provides all types of services in the domain of general dentistry to patients of all ages, completely painlessly.

Services that fall under general dentistry are:

Conservative dentistry

Conservative dentistry is the foundation of dentistry. It is based on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and repair of teeth damaged by caries. The goal of conservative dentistry is healthy, beautiful, functional and aesthetically pleasing teeth.

Prevention is the first step in dentistry, which is why it is important that you come for a regular check-up once every 6 months, where damage to the teeth can be detected even before pain occurs, which enables timely action and preservation of the tooth structure.

In the event that caries has affected a tooth, with the techniques of conservative dentistry, dentists solve the problem and prevent further complications such as severe, throbbing pain, swelling (abscess), tooth loss and the need for more extensive interventions.

In our specialist center, we perform dental fillings with modern composite systems and glass ionomer cements of the latest generations

Today, white fillings are no longer a luxury, but the basis for the basic compensation of a part of a missing tooth. The development of materials in modern dentistry enables the reconstruction of teeth with an extremely aesthetic component, while maintaining the quality and durability of fillings.

Dental treatment – endodontics

Endodontics (devitalization) is better known as “treatment of tooth root canals” or “dental nerve extraction”.

In cases where the pulp of the tooth (nerve) is diseased, it is necessary to remove the pulp chamber and the nerve, using a mechanical and medicinal procedure.

After cleaning, the dental canal is filled and closed, and on that basis, a composite filling or crown is installed and the tooth returns to full function.


Removing tartar from teeth and polishing

Čišćenje zubnog kamenca i pjeskarenje zuba spada u neinvazivne, potpuno sigurne i bezbolne postupke čišćenja zuba koji su potrebni za redovno održavanje oralne higijene.

Čišćenje zubnog kamenca podrazumijeva uklanjanje svih naslaga na zubima: kamenac, plak, ali i pigmentacije od hrane i pušenja. U našem centru koristimo ultrazvučni aparat uz pomoć kojeg se ovaj postupak obavlja brzo i bezbolno, a nakon uklanjanja kamenca pristupa se i poliranju zuba, kako bi imali sjajan i blistav izgled.