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Why dental implants?

Dental implants are custom-designed replacements for one or more teeth. Implants have been the safest and best solution for tooth replacement for many years, and with proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, they can last a lifetime.

A dental implant is actually a titanium screw, and the implant installation process takes a short time under local anesthesia and is completely painless. Dental implants are recommended for anyone from 18 years of age to advanced age, and the ideal patients are those who are in good general health.

In the Kostadinović dental practice, partial or total edentulous patients are compensated by experts with many years of experience with the help of top diagnostics and dental technology, using the highest quality materials from well-known global manufacturers (Straumann, MI S, Vitanium).

Dental implants price?

The price of dental implants depends on the type of implants that are installed.

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